Retrospectiva 2022 - Luís Felipe

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10 Melhores séries vistas em 2022

* 3 episódios pelo menos

10 Piores séries vistas em 2022

* 3 episódios pelo menos

Maratonas/Séries mais assistidas em 2022

* Este dado pode conter falhas para novos usuários do site pois também conta as séries que você marcou inteira como vista este ano.

Badges Desbloqueados em 2022 ()

Series adicionadas na grade em 2022 (4)

Series Finalizadas em 2022 ()

Series abandonadas em 2022 (0)

Comentários mais curtidos

Series assistidas por genero:

Somente levando em conta os principais generos
Drama - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Superman & Lois, Chucky, Heartstopper
Comédia - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Chucky
Ação - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Superman & Lois
Romance - Superman & Lois, Heartstopper
Aventura - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Game of Thrones, Supernatural, Superman & Lois

Episódios com melhor nota

Game of Thrones - 3x4 - And Now His Watch Is Ended - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x6 - A Golden Crown - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x8 - The Prince of Winterfell - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x10 - Valar Morghulis - 10
Superman & Lois - 1x1 - Pilot - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x10 - Fire and Blood - 10
Chucky - 1x7 - Twice the Grieving, Double The Loss - 10
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1x10 - Nightmares - 10
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1x12 - Prophecy Girl - 9.5
Chucky - 1x8 - An Affair to Dismember - 9.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x4 - Inca Mummy Girl - 9.5
Game of Thrones - 3x3 - Walk of Punishment - 9.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x8 - The Dark Age - 9.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x9 - What's My Line? (1) - 9.5
Game of Thrones - 1x8 - The Pointy End - 9.5
Game of Thrones - 1x3 - Lord Snow - 9.5
Heartstopper - 1x1 - Meet - 9.5
Game of Thrones - 2x4 - Garden of Bones - 9
Supernatural - 1x12 - Faith - 9
Supernatural - 1x13 - Route 666 - 9
Game of Thrones - 2x7 - A Man Without Honor - 9
Heartstopper - 1x2 - Crush - 9
Game of Thrones - 2x9 - Blackwater - 9
Game of Thrones - 3x1 - Valar Dohaeris - 9
Supernatural - 1x11 - Scarecrow - 9
Supernatural - 1x10 - Asylum - 9
Supernatural - 1x4 - Phantom Traveler - 9
Supernatural - 1x5 - Bloody Mary - 9
Game of Thrones - 2x3 - What is Dead May Never Die - 9
Game of Thrones - 2x1 - The North Remembers - 9

Episódios com pior nota

Supernatural - 1x15 - The Benders - 9
Game of Thrones - 1x2 - The Kingsroad - 9
Game of Thrones - 1x1 - Winter Is Coming - 9
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x7 - Lie to Me - 9
Supernatural - 1x16 - Shadow - 9
Supernatural - 1x17 - Hell House - 9
Superman & Lois - 1x2 - Heritage - 9
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1x9 - The Puppet Show - 9
Supernatural - 1x8 - Bugs - 8.5
Game of Thrones - 2x6 - The Old Gods and the New - 8.5
Supernatural - 1x9 - Home - 8.5
Supernatural - 1x14 - Nightmare - 8.5
Game of Thrones - 1x4 - Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1x7 - Angel - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1x11 - Out of Mind, Out of Sight - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x1 - When She Was Bad - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x2 - Some Assembly Required - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x3 - School Hard - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x5 - Reptile Boy - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 2x6 - Halloween - 8.5
Supernatural - 1x7 - Hook Man - 8.5
Game of Thrones - 2x2 - The Night Lands - 8.5
Game of Thrones - 2x5 - The Ghost of Harrenhal - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1x6 - The Pack - 8.5
Game of Thrones - 3x2 - Dark Wings, Dark Words - 8.5
Supernatural - 1x2 - Wendigo - 8.5
Supernatural - 1x3 - Dead in the Water - 8.5
Supernatural - 1x6 - Skin - 8.5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1x8 - I, Robot... You, Jane - 8

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