Retrospectiva 2023 - vpaes15

2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

10 Melhores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

10 Piores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

Maratonas/Séries mais assistidas em 2023

* Este dado pode conter falhas para novos usuários do site pois também conta as séries que você marcou inteira como vista este ano.

Badges Desbloqueados em 2023 ()

Series adicionadas na grade em 2023 (3)

Series Finalizadas em 2023 (3)

Series abandonadas em 2023 (0)

Comentários mais curtidos

Series assistidas por genero:

Somente levando em conta os principais generos
Drama - Life on Mars (UK), Prison Break, Banshee, Atlanta
Comédia - Atlanta
Crime - Prison Break
Ação - Prison Break, Banshee

Episódios com melhor nota

Prison Break - 1x1 - Pilot - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x22 - Flight - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x21 - Go - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x20 - Tonight - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x19 - The Key - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x18 - Bluff - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x17 - J-Cat - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x16 - Brother's Keeper - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x15 - By the Skin and the Teeth - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x14 - The Rat - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x13 - End of the Tunnel - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x12 - Odd Man Out - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x11 - And Then There Were 7 - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x10 - Sleight of Hand - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x9 - Tweener - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x8 - The Old Head - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x7 - Riots, Drills and the Devil (2) - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x6 - Riots, Drills and the Devil (1) - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x5 - English, Fitz or Percy - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x4 - Cute Poison - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x3 - Cell Test - 9.5
Prison Break - 1x2 - Allen - 9.5
Atlanta - 4x10 - It Was All a Dream - 9
Life on Mars (UK) - 1x1 - Episode 1 - 9
Atlanta - 4x7 - Snipe Hunt - 9
Atlanta - 4x6 - Crank Dat Killer - 9
Banshee - 4x6 - Only One Way a Dogfight Ends - 8
Banshee - 1x4 - Half Deaf is Better Than All Dead - 8
Banshee - 3x7 - You Can't Hide From the Dead - 8
Banshee - 3x8 - All the Wisdom I Got Left - 8

Episódios com pior nota

Atlanta - 4x5 - Work Ethic! - 8
Banshee - 1x3 - Meet the New Boss - 8
Banshee - 1x2 - The Rave - 8
Atlanta - 4x9 - Andrew Wyeth. Alfred's World. - 8
Banshee - 1x1 - Pilot - 8
Banshee - 2x3 - The Warrior Class - 8
Banshee - 1x5 - The Kindred - 8
Banshee - 1x6 - Wicks - 8
Banshee - 1x7 - Behold a Pale Rider - 8
Banshee - 1x8 - We Shall Live Forever - 8
Banshee - 1x9 - Always the Cowboy - 8
Banshee - 1x10 - A Mixture of Madness - 8
Banshee - 2x1 - Little Fish - 8
Banshee - 2x2 - The Thunder Man - 8
Banshee - 3x5 - Tribal - 8
Banshee - 2x4 - Bloodlines - 8
Banshee - 2x5 - The Truth About Unicorns - 8
Banshee - 2x6 - Firekeeper - 8
Banshee - 2x7 - Ways to Bury a Man - 8
Banshee - 2x8 - Evil For Evil - 8
Banshee - 2x9 - Homecoming - 8
Banshee - 2x10 - Bullets and Tears - 8
Banshee - 3x1 - The Fire Trials - 8
Banshee - 3x2 - Snakes and Whatnot - 8
Banshee - 3x3 - A Fixer of Sorts - 8
Banshee - 3x4 - Real Life is the Nightmare - 8
Atlanta - 4x2 - The Homeliest Little Horse - 7.5
Atlanta - 4x3 - Born 2 Die - 7
Atlanta - 4x8 - The Goof Who Sat by the Door - 7

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