Retrospectiva 2023 - Leandro

2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

10 Melhores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

10 Piores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

Maratonas/Séries mais assistidas em 2023

* Este dado pode conter falhas para novos usuários do site pois também conta as séries que você marcou inteira como vista este ano.

Badges Desbloqueados em 2023 (28)

Series adicionadas na grade em 2023 (6)

Series Finalizadas em 2023 (17)

Series abandonadas em 2023 (6)

Comentários mais curtidos

Series assistidas por genero:

Somente levando em conta os principais generos
Drama - Breaking Bad, Fringe, Strike Back, Teen Wolf, The Walking Dead, The Wire, Grey's Anatomy, Black Mirror, House of Cards (2013), The Blacklist, Narcos, The Night Manager, Mr. Robot, Shadowhunters, Roots (2016), This Is Us, Alias Grace, The Handmaid's Tale, Dark, Altered Carbon, 9-1-1, Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, Patrick Melrose, Sintonia, Irmandade, The Witcher (2019), Impuros, Loki, Segunda Chamada, The Sandman, House of the Dragon , Arcanjo Renegado, Kalifat, The Last of Us, The Terminal List, Bom Dia, Verônica, Barbarians, Reacher, A League of Their Own (2022), Todo Dia a Mesma Noite , The Night Agent
Comédia - Friends, Haikyuu!!, A League of Their Own (2022)
Mini-Serie - Roots (2016), Alias Grace, Patrick Melrose, Todo Dia a Mesma Noite
Crime - Breaking Bad, The Wire, The Blacklist, Narcos, Mr. Robot, Alias Grace, Sintonia, Irmandade, Impuros, Arcanjo Renegado, Kalifat, Bom Dia, Verônica, Reacher, Todo Dia a Mesma Noite
Dorama - All Of Us Are Dead
Familia - Grey's Anatomy, This Is Us
Ação - Strike Back, The Walking Dead, The Wire, The Blacklist, Shadowhunters, 9-1-1, Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, Sintonia, Irmandade, The Witcher (2019), Impuros, The Sandman, House of the Dragon , The Terminal List, Barbarians, Reacher, The Night Agent
Romance - Friends, Teen Wolf, Grey's Anatomy, Sintonia, House of the Dragon
Aventura - Strike Back, The Walking Dead, The Witcher (2019), House of the Dragon , The Last of Us, The Terminal List
Anime - Haikyuu!!

Episódios com melhor nota

Friends - 8x6 - The One With The Halloween Party - 10
Friends - 8x8 - The One With The Stripper - 10
Friends - 8x9 - The One With The Rumor - 10
Friends - 8x21 - The One With The Cooking Class - 10
Friends - 8x22 - The One Where Rachel Is Late - 10
Friends - 8x23 - The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (1) - 10
Friends - 9x2 - The One Where Emma Cries - 10
Friends - 9x5 - The One With Phoebe's Birthday Dinner - 10
Friends - 9x8 - The One With Rachel's Other Sister - 10
Friends - 9x15 - The One With The Mugging - 10
Friends - 9x22 - The One With The Donor - 10
Friends - 10x1 - The One After Joey And Rachel Kiss - 10
Friends - 10x2 - The One Where Ross Is Fine - 10
Friends - 10x3 - The One With Ross's Tan - 10
Friends - 10x4 - The One With The Cake - 10
Friends - 10x9 - The One With The Birth Mother - 10
Friends - 10x11 - The One Where The Stripper Cries - 10
Friends - 10x12 - The One With Phoebe's Wedding - 10
Friends - 10x16 - The One With Rachel's Going Away Party - 10
Friends - 10x18 - The Last One (2) - 10
Strike Back - 8x5 - Vendetta: Episode 5 - 10
The Wire - 1x10 - The Cost - 10
Black Mirror - 4x4 - Hang the DJ - 10
Black Mirror - 4x6 - Black Museum - 10
Haikyuu!! - 4x22 - Pitons - 10
Haikyuu!! - 4x23 - The Birth of the Serene King - 10
Haikyuu!! - 4x24 - Monsters' Ball - 10
Roots (2016) - 1x1 - Part 1 - 10
Roots (2016) - 1x4 - Part 4 - 10
This Is Us - 2x7 - The Most Disappointed Man - 10
*Limitado a 30 episódios

Episódios com pior nota

Grey's Anatomy - 18x10 - Living In A House Divided - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 18x11 - Legacy - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 18x12 - The Makings Of You - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 18x13 - Put The Squeeze On Me - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 18x16 - Should I Stay or Should I Go - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 18x17 - I’ll Cover You - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 19x1 - Everything Has Changed - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 19x3 - Let's Talk About Sex - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 19x5 - When I Get to the Border - 8
Grey's Anatomy - 19x14 - Shadow of Your Love - 8
Black Mirror - 4x2 - Arkangel - 8
Black Mirror - 4x3 - Crocodile - 8
The Blacklist - 5x3 - Miss Rebecca Thrall - 8
Dark - 3x1 - Deja-vu - 8
Dark - 3x6 - Light and Shadow - 8
Altered Carbon - 2x1 - Phantom Lady - 8
Altered Carbon - 2x5 - I Wake Up Screaming - 8
9-1-1 - 6x1 - Let the Games Begin - 8
9-1-1 - 6x13 - Mixed Feelings - 8
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan - 3x5 - Druz'ya I Vragi - 8
Patrick Melrose - 1x4 - Mother's Milk - 8
The Witcher (2019) - 3x2 - Unbound - 8
Loki - 1x1 - Glorious Purpose - 8
Loki - 1x2 - The Variant - 8
Loki - 1x6 - For All Time. Always. - 8
Barbarians - 2x1 - New Legions - 8
Barbarians - 2x2 - Captured - 8
House of Cards (2013) - 6x8 - Chapter 73 - 7
Shadowhunters - 1x1 - The Mortal Cup - 7

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