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Gigi Does It - 1x1 - Glock Schlock


| 1x2

Exibido em: 01-Out-2015

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Lawyer: His entire estate must be turned over to his next of kin.
Gigi: "Next of kin"? Is that a Chinese name?
Lawyer: No, that's you, Mrs. Rotblum.
Gigi: I'm Chinese?
Lawyer: No, Gigi, you're next of kin! Which means your estate is now worth $6.2 million!

Gigi: I have an open wound.
Ricky: Where?
Gigi: It was a stretch mark that opened near my inner thigh.
Ricky: Uh, that is something that should be checked.
Gigi: It's nice and pink, still...


2015-11-19 14:15:10Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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