Retrospectiva 2023 - Deborah Aguiar

2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

10 Melhores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

10 Piores séries vistas em 2023

* 3 episódios pelo menos

Maratonas/Séries mais assistidas em 2023

* Este dado pode conter falhas para novos usuários do site pois também conta as séries que você marcou inteira como vista este ano.

Badges Desbloqueados em 2023 ()

Series adicionadas na grade em 2023 ()

Series Finalizadas em 2023 (3)

Series abandonadas em 2023 (0)

Comentários mais curtidos

Series assistidas por genero:

Somente levando em conta os principais generos
Drama - Game of Thrones, Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, Vikings, The Crown, You, La Casa de Papel, Station 19, Elite
Comédia - Never Have I Ever
Crime - You, La Casa de Papel, Elite
Familia - Grey's Anatomy, Never Have I Ever
Ação - Game of Thrones, Vikings, Station 19
Romance - Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, You, Never Have I Ever
Aventura - Game of Thrones

Episódios com melhor nota

Game of Thrones - 1x1 - Winter Is Coming - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x2 - The Kingsroad - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x3 - Lord Snow - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x4 - Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x5 - The Wolf and the Lion - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x6 - A Golden Crown - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x7 - You Win or You Die - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x8 - The Pointy End - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x9 - Baelor - 10
Game of Thrones - 1x10 - Fire and Blood - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x1 - The North Remembers - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x2 - The Night Lands - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x3 - What is Dead May Never Die - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x4 - Garden of Bones - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x5 - The Ghost of Harrenhal - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x6 - The Old Gods and the New - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x7 - A Man Without Honor - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x8 - The Prince of Winterfell - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x9 - Blackwater - 10
Game of Thrones - 2x10 - Valar Morghulis - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x1 - The Wars to Come - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x2 - The House of Black and White - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x3 - High Sparrow - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x4 - Sons of the Harpy - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x5 - Kill the Boy - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x6 - Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x7 - The Gift - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x8 - Hardhome - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x9 - The Dance of Dragons - 10
Game of Thrones - 5x10 - Mother's Mercy - 10
*Limitado a 30 episódios

Episódios com pior nota

You - 3x2 - So I Married an Axe Murderer - 9.5
You - 3x3 - Missing White Woman Syndrome - 9.5
You - 3x4 - Hands Across Madre Linda - 9.5
You - 3x5 - Into the Woods - 9.5
You - 3x6 - W.O.M.B. - 9.5
You - 3x7 - We're All Mad Here - 9.5
You - 3x8 - Swing and a Miss - 9.5
You - 3x9 - Red Flag - 9.5
You - 3x10 - What is Love? - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x1 - El Final del Camino - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x2 - ¿Crees En la Reencarnación? - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x3 - El Espectáculo de La Vida - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x4 - Tu Sitio En El Cielo - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x5 - Vivir Muchas Vidas - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x6 - Válvulas de Escape - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x7 - Ciencia Ilusionada - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x8 - La Teoría de la Elegancia - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x9 - Lo que se Habla en la Cama - 9.5
La Casa de Papel - 5x10 - Una Tradición Familiar - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x1 - …been slut-shamed - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x2 - …had my own troll - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x3 - …had a valentine - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x4 - …made someone jealous - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x5 - …been ghosted - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x6 - …had a breakdown - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x7 - …cheated - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x8 - …hooked up with my boyfriend - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x9 - …had an Indian boyfriend - 9.5
Never Have I Ever - 3x10 - …lived the dream - 9.5

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