IMPORTANTE: O Banco de Séries não serve para assistir séries! Somos uma rede social onde os fãs de séries podem controlar os episódios que assistiram, dar notas, comentar, criar sua agenda, saber quando passa o próximo episódio. Somos totalmente contra a pirataria e não disponibilizamos conteúdo que fere direitos autorais.

This Is Us By RobertaCR

Episodio 1x1 - Nota 10 2016-09-21 15:14:01

''-Okay if I... try and say something meaningful?
-I lost my wife last year. Cancer. That's the reason I still work so much at my age. Just... trying to pass the time. We were married 53 years. Five children, 11 grandkids. But we lost our very first child during the delivery. The reason I went into this field, truth be told... I have spent five decades delivering babies. More babies than I can count. But there is not a single day that goes by that I don't think of the child I lost. And I'm an old man now. I like to think that because of the child that I lost, because of the path that... that he sent me on, that I have saved countless other babies. Yeah. I like to think that maybe one day you'll be an old man like me... talking a younger man's ear off, explaining to him how you... took the sourest lemon that life has to offer... and turned it into something resembling lemonade. If you can do that, then you will still be... taking three babies home from this hospital. Just... maybe not the way you planned. I don't know if that was meaningful or senile, but I thought it ought to be said. Your wife'll still be asleep for a little while. Go see your babies. They're excited to meet their father. I think maybe they got a good one.''

Gente, que final foi esse? Super mind-blown! Essa série com certeza já me conquistou < 3

Episodio 1x2 - Nota 9 2016-09-28 15:40:56

''-Deep breath, okay? Come on, man. First came...
-And Dad said...
-Gee. And then came...
-And Mom said...
-And then came...
-And they said...
-That's three.
-Big Three!

Episodio 1x3 - Nota 9 2016-10-12 16:33:33

''-We're, um... tired but, uh, good.
-And Rebecca? I mean, I only ask because it's a little unusual for the father to be here alone.
-She just needed a little break, you know? She's... she's... she's not totally herself. I mean, she's a... little dazed, I guess? She's not bonding with the babies. And not with Kyle, mainly. You know? Not with Kyle. I think she might be a little broken. You know, I-I think the babies might have broken my wife. You can fix her, right? Or you can tell me how to fix her? I was... I was hoping you could tell me how to fix her.
-Sit down, Jack. She lost a baby, Jack. You can't just dismiss that.
-So did I.
-Yeah. And you took your grief, and you... channeled it into action. You willed yourself forward with positivity, but Rebecca has just... She's gonna have to do this in her own way, and you're just gonna have to give her the space to do it.
-Yeah. What if she doesn't find her way?
-She will.
-How do you know?
-For the same reason that I know you're gonna give her the space to find it. 'Cause I believe in good people.''

Episodio 1x4 - Nota 9.5 2016-10-19 15:16:53

Ainda vou morrer desidratada por causa do tanto que eu choro vendo essa série hahah

''I had this little notebook, and every time I met a new black person, I would put a mark in this notebook. And every time I met a black man, I wondered if, somehow, if that man could possibly be my father. I couldn't say it out loud, because I loved my father. My white father. And my white mother. I'm a strong successful black man. My wife and I give a lot of thought to how we raise our girls, believe me. But the fact that my daughter doesn't find anything unusual about playing Snow White, well that's the whole idea! Right?''

Episodio 1x5 - Nota 9.5 2016-10-26 14:50:05

''I painted this because I felt like the play was about life, you know? And life is full of color. And we each get to come along and we add our own color to the painting. You know? And even though it's not very big, the painting, you sort of have to figure that it goes on forever, you know, in each direction. So, like, to infinity, you know? 'Cause that's kind of like life, right? And it's really crazy, if you think about it, isn't it, that, a hundred years ago, some guy that I never met came to this country with a suitcase. He has a son, who has a son, who has me. So, at first, when I was painting, I was thinking, you know, maybe up here, that was that guy's part of the painting and then, you know, down here, that's my part of the painting. And then I started to think, well, what if... we're all in the painting, everywhere? And-and what if we're in the painting before we're born? What if we're in it after we die? And these colors that we keep adding, what if they just keep getting added on top of one another, until eventually we're not even different colors anymore? We're just... one thing. One painting. I mean, my dad is not with us anymore. He's not alive, but he's with us. He's with me every day. It all just sort of fits somehow. And even if you don't understand how yet, people will die in our lives, people that we love. In the future. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe years from now. I mean, it's kind of beautiful, right, if you think about it, the fact that just because someone dies, just because you can't see them or talk to them anymore, it doesn't mean they're not still in the painting. I think maybe that's the point of the whole thing. There's no dying. There's no you or me or them. It's just us. And this... sloppy... wild, colorful, magical thing that has no beginning, it has no end... this right here... I think it's us.''

Episodio 1x6 - Nota 9 2016-11-02 15:25:18

''Can I be honest with you? Man to man? You know, your mom and me, we always try to treat you kids the same. Always have. Hasn't always worked, because, well, you're not all the same. You're adopted, and we don't talk about that enough. 'Cause to me, you are every part my son. Maybe I... I don't want you to feel like you stand out. But I need you to know something. I want you to stand out. I want all of you to be as different as you can possibly be. In all the best ways. I love you as much as a human heart can, kiddo. You are an exceptional young man. So don't let your dad's poor choice make you feel afraid to be different. Okay?''

Episodio 1x7 - Nota 9 2016-11-16 16:16:30

''-You're right. Mom did favor me. She did. Showered me with attention. Took my side more often than not. And I ate every bit of her love up. Ate it up like Pac-Man. You know why? Because the one person I wanted it from the mo... You know, back there with those people, it's the first time in 36 years you've said the words, 'He's my brother.'.
-Come on, Randall, that can't be...
-Claiming me. My brother.''

Episodio 1x8 - Nota 9 2016-11-23 18:07:16

''-How does it feel to be dying?
-It feels... like all these beautiful pieces of life are flying around me and... I'm trying to catch them. When my granddaughter falls asleep in my lap, I try to catch the feeling of her breathing against me. And when I make my son laugh, I try to catch the sound of him laughing. How it rolls up from his chest. But the pieces are moving faster now, and I can't catch them all. I can feel them slipping through my fingertips. And soon where there used to be my granddaughter breathing and my son laughing, there will be... nothing. Oh. I know it feels like you have all the time in the world. But you don't. So, stop playing it so cool. Catch the moments of your life. Catch them while you're young and quick. Because sooner than you know it, you'll be old. And slow. And there'll be no more of them to catch. And when a nice boy who adores you offers you pie, say thank you.''

Episodio 1x9 - Nota 9.5 2016-11-30 16:51:28

''-You know, we gave you everything. The most loving family. Private school. We made sure you had black influences to help you understand your background. We gave you everything we could.
-And all I was supposed to feel was grateful. I was supposed to just shut up and be thankful that I had these great parents who wanted me when my birth parents didn't. But the truth is you never wanted me, either.
-What are you talking about?
-I was a replacement for your dead baby. That's all I've ever been.
-You got it all wrong, son.
-No, I've spent my life striving for perfection, and you know why, Dad? 'Cause I live in fear. That if I let up for a moment, I will remember that I am unwanted. And then what'll happen to me?
-Stop. Randall. Hey, you come here. Hmm? Stop. The moment I saw you, I knew you were my boy. You weren't a choice, Randall, you were a fact. You were never a replacement, son. Do you understand?''

''She had three wildly different kids. Along with their own sets of problems. Our marriage wasn't always perfect. I certainly wasn't. And she had her own things to deal with, too. But she kept everything out. She always made sure we were all safe.''

''-Are willing to hold him up, no matter what comes his way?
-Are you willing to raise this young boy into a strong man?
-Are you willing to push him to the best men in the world he can be?
-Are you willing to lift him to greater heights even if it huts?
-You can stop, all right. I think that's enough.
-I won't stop!''


Episodio 1x10 - Nota 10 2016-12-07 20:13:52

''-What do you mean two dads? I don't...
-Dad, Grandpa's gay. Or at least bi.''

''Kate, I am here to take the first steps in overcoming our insanity one last time, for both of us. Because it's Christmas. And because we're good together. I'm back on the diet. Not for you, for me. But also for you, so that you'll be with me. I can live without pizza and cookies and potato chips and... whatever that brownie thing was that they were serving on the plane. The one thing I cannot live without... is you.''
Eu nunca vou parar de dizer o quanto essa série é simplesmente maravilhosa e o quanto eu a amo. Como é possível ela te fazer ficar tão emocionado, com vários sentimentos misturados? Tava tudo tão feliz, até achei que seria meu primeiro ep dessa série sem chorar(ok, eu chorei no começo, mas não foi tanto quanto nos outros eps rsrsr), mas ela, sem ao menos te avisar, dá um chute no seu estômago e faz você perder o ar com essas revelações e cliffhangers. Essa série, seu criados, atores e todos os envolvidos, devem ser protegidos a todo o custo por estarem produzindo uma coisa tão fantástica!

Episodio 1x11 - Nota 9 2017-01-11 20:30:19

''I'm not gay now. I've always loved both women and men.''
Sou muito William < 3


Episodio 1x12 - Nota 9.5 2017-01-18 22:15:09

''Hey, little bugs. I'm sorry I've been complaining so much lately. 'Cause I really enjoyed having you as my sidekicks this year. You have really great taste in music, by the way. I guess I'm just, um... I'm a little... overwhelmed. Not about meeting you guys... I can't wait to meet you guys. I can't wait to meet you guys. I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I can't wait to make Halloween costumes for you, which is weird, because I'm not a big Halloween person. I've been acting out lately. I've been terrible to your dad, who is just... perfect. He is so perfect. Oh, my God, you guys are going to freak out when you see how awesome your dad is. Honestly, you're gonna be... huge fans. I think I'm nervous about you guys meeting me. I don't know how much you can tell from in there, but I am not gonna be the perfect mom you've probably been dreaming about. You guys dream, right? I think so. I'm impatient. And I'm... stubborn. And, uh... I stole an Abba-Zaba bar from the grocery store in fourth grade. And I'm... terrified that I'm gonna make a hundred wrong decisions and ruin the chances that you guys have to lead the perfect lives that you deserve, but... I will protect you fiercely. And I will always sing to you when you can't sleep. And I will always be excited to hear you laugh. I bet you guys are gonna have wildly different laughs, huh? I love you so much it hurts, and I haven't even met you yet. It's crazy. Mm. So, I guess what... I'm trying to say is, um... you are gonna have to take the good with the bad when it comes to me. So, now that you know all of this, are you still... excited to come and join me out here, huh? I'll take that as a yes.''

Episodio 1x13 - Nota 9.5 2017-01-25 21:20:08

''I have three really good friends. That's a lot. And they all came to my party.''
Randall coisinha mais fofa < 3

Só de ver alguns segundos do funeral do Jack, já senti uma profunda dor no coração. Ok, todo mundo sabia que ele morre, mas aquelas cenas só fizeram tudo mais concreto e eu nem quero ver a choradeira que vai ser aqui em casa quando o ep que falar da morte dele sair kkkkk mas mesmo com tudo isso, essa série me deixa com um sentimento tão bom que é simplesmente impossível de descrever! Como eles conseguem fazer isso? hahah

Episodio 1x14 - Nota 9 2017-02-08 23:43:16

''I'm sorry. If Jack really loves me? What is that? You do realize my husband works 10 sometimes 12 hours a day and he comes home absolutely exhausted. And since I've joined this band he's picked up all the slack at home just so I could be here. Both of my boys play football and he leaves work early every time so he can be for each and every one of their games, and they are on different teams, by the way. Just so they know that someone is in the stands there to support them and love them. When we play that piano gig and he's already gone to bed he always leave me a glass of water on my bedside table cause he's worried that I'm not drinking enough water, especially when I'm singing. So please Ben, please do not tell me what Jack would do if he really loved me. My husband is a freaking super hero and you have no idea what you're talking about.''

Episodio 1x15 - Nota 9 2017-02-19 15:07:47

Tudo que eu queria é pegar o Randall e colocar num potinho, é pedir demais? < 3

''You are Jack Pearson son's....You have him inside you...Remind yourself of that...Think about what he'd do.. and you'll be fine.''

Gente, ainda não estou preparada pra ver a morte do Jack, vou chorar rios < /3

Episodio 1x16 - Nota 10 2017-02-24 23:30:01

''You deserve it. You deserve the beautiful life you've made. You deserve everything, Randall. My beautiful boy. My son. I haven't had a happy life. Bad breaks and bad choices. A life of almosts and could-haves. Some would call it sad, but I don't. 'Cause the two best things in my life... Were the person in the very beginning and the person at the very end.''

Episodio 1x17 - Nota 9 2017-03-08 14:45:52


Episodio 1x18 - Nota 9 2017-03-15 12:16:12

''-You asked me a question before. What is it, that I love about you now.
-So I'm gonna start with the obvious. I love the mother that you are. I love that you are still the most beautiful woman in any room and that you laugh with your entire face. I love that you dance funny... and not sexy, which makes it even sexier.
But most of all, I love that you are still the same woman who, all those years ago, ran out of a blind date because she simply had to sing. You're not just my great love story, Rebecca. You... You were my big break. And our love story, I know it may not feel like it right now, but, baby... I promise, it's just getting started.''

Episodio 2x1 - Nota 9.5 2017-09-28 00:04:10

''He pushed...a stranger on me. And that stranger became my child. And that child became my life. He became you.''

Quando eu achei que teria um ep dessa série que eu não ia chorar, vem essa cena final e me joga no chão < /3

Episodio 2x2 - Nota 9 2017-10-04 23:32:53

''Our girls came out good, it's true. But we made them great, they make us great. We can do this. You and me, we can do anything.''

Como eu me identifico com a Kate < 3

Episodio 2x3 - Nota 9 2017-10-11 21:31:57

''-One I went to sleep over at my friend Lucy's house, and I got scared and my parents had to pick me up. Later, I was sad I went home because I probably would've had fun if I stayed.
-Is that right?
-So, maybe if you stary here, you'll have fun. And if you go home, you'll be sad.''

Episodio 2x4 - Nota 9 2017-10-19 23:11:17

Beth e Randall são muito relationship goals < 3

''-Remember how we were talking about what Martin Luther King's Day means?
-Someone shot him because he wanted to give black people equal rights.... Did grandma shoot him?!''

Episodio 2x5 - Nota 9 2017-10-31 00:21:04

''Just so you know, your son is a great father and provider and husband. You think you screwed him up, but you didn't. You only made him stronger.''

Não acredito que não existe um ep dessa série que eu não chore huahauha scrr

Episodio 2x6 - Nota 9 2017-11-02 22:58:29

''Hi, little boy. I'm sorry it took me so long to get over here. I was really nervous to meet you. See, I talked to my other babies over there the whole time they were inside of me. But you weren't there, so I wanted to come and introduce myself, and say hello and let you hear my voice. Do you see those guys over there? That's your brother and your sister. That's Kevin and Kate. And the man, the sweet man who fed you this afternoon, that's your dad. Oh, I think I forgot to introduce myself. I'm your mom!
Hi, there sweet girl, I wanted to properly welcome you to the world. You are beautiful. Oh, my goodnes. I mean all babies are beautiful, but you, you are Randall and Beth's beautiful and that is special. You know I've been here before, Tess. You think you are at the beginning of your journey, right? But you also began a long time ago, you know that? Cause I was there, and somebody else was there too. Somebody really good. And we lost a baby, and we thought it was an ending, but it was also a beginning. And life has a middle too. And midddles can be the hardest because that's when you can get really lost. But middles can be a beginning sometimes. And if you're lucky, you can have it all. And you are lucky. You're the luckiest, prettiest, sweetest baby ever named after a ceiling fan. You know, I thought my journey had come to and end, but I don't know, I don't know, maybe we are both at our next beginning.''
Eu só queria conseguir não chorar em pelo menos um ep dessa serie THAT'S ALL I'M ASKING

Episodio 2x7 - Nota 9 2017-11-09 00:14:49

''What would you have me, Your Honor? On every corner, there's someone selling, so I buy and I use. If you had my life, you would probably use it, too. Just a year ago, my mother was alive, and my girl was alive, and we were having a son. Now, they're gone. They're all gone. So, I come here, and you tell me you're disappointed? Well, guess what? I am more disappointed. I am the most disappointed man you've ever met in your whole damn life. So, if you want to lock me up, lock me up. Put me inside, because there is nothing out here for me anymore. ''

"Dear Judge Bradley,
I noticed you had some photographs of families on your wall, so I thought I'd send you ours. Randall is my son, whether you approve or not, whether you sign a paper or not. And, yes, certain things are harder for us. Family portraits, for instance are not our strong suit. Exposure is tricky for the Pearsons, so we make do. But the thing you need to know about us is that Pearsons keep at it. We don't stop. So, I suggest you put us up on your wall. Maybe it will help you get used to our faces because we will keep coming until you do your job.
Rebecca Pearson, Randall's Mother.''

É muito quote pra pouco eu aaaaaaaaa

Episodio 2x8 - Nota 10 2017-11-15 20:04:21

''Pearson lines up on the center. Two rushing touchdowns already tonight, what can this kid not do? Can't go 4 hours without a Vicodin, that's what he can't do but everybody loves him anyway. He looks down the field, he's got a man open, wide open. He sees his entire future: Notre Dame, Heisman Trophy, first round draft pick, Rookie of the year, Super Bowl MVP. He sees his dad in the stands as he holds the Super Bowl trophy. His dad is proud of him, like 'tears down his eyes' proud of him. He says 'that's my son. That's my son'. Pearson is about ready to release. He cocks back...BOOM. He's down, folks. Ladies and gentlemen, Pearson is down and he's not getting up. His knee is wrecked, he's not coming back from this one, folks. It is over for Kevin Pearson. Will he get up? He will! Ladies and gentlemen, he will, he'll get up. Kevin Pearson will walk again just in time to bury his beloved father. That'll keep him down for good this time, right? Nope, he's up again. He's up again and he's... he's marrying a terrific girl, he's off to Hollywood and it's a happy ending for Kevin Pearson. Oh, wait, no, hold on now. He cheats on the girl. Yes, that's right, he loses her and how is he punished? Well, he gets a sitcom and he makes millions, ladies and gentlemen. Wow, crowd goes wild. What will he do with his lucky second chance? Ladies and gentlemen, he'll blow it. That's what he'll do. He blows it all. Surely the universe has to punish him this time, right? Wrong! He gets the girl back. Now he's got the girl back and it's a movie this time and then PAH...there goes, the same knee, he's down again. And he tries so hard to be strong and he needs painkillers to get through it. And even when he tries to tell people how pathetic he is they just...they don't hear it. They just cheer...''
Desidratada estou < /3

''Kate lost the baby.''

Episodio 2x9 - Nota 9 2017-11-23 01:22:25

''It's my job to keep standing there with my arms wide open waiting for you to maybe some day fall inside if you needed it. And if you do I'll love you, and if you don't, I'll love you too Because that's what it means to be a parent. You'll see one day.''
Desidratada estou pt II

''Ok, number three. It's your turn.''

Episodio 2x10 - Nota 10 2017-11-30 00:20:01

Como eu chorei com a despedida da Deja < /3

''-How many times did you and my mother meet?
-Just twice. She came to find me right after you were born to make sure I was not gonna get you. And then again when you were nine or so. You were asking about where you came from. She was struggling with whether or not to tell you about me or keep you from me. I was clean then. Had a good job. I think I got a little too excited about the idea of ​​seeing you. Must've come on too strong. When she disappeared like that, I was so shocked. And disappointed. So I followed her. I remember thinking, 'William, you fool, do not do this. She doesn't want you to do this'. But I knew if I let her go, I might never find you again. I only had $ 20 cash. I remember the whole ride I just kept praying that she was not going too far, that I had enough to make it to you. But I had enough. I made it All I had to do was walk up to that door and knock. I'd explain I was no threat, that I just wanted to be part of your life in whatever way they found comfortable. I was not expecting to be dropping by every day, but maybe just maybe I could be part of the big stuff. One more? But then I saw something on the front lawn. I didn't know what to do. I did not know whether yours was Number One, Number Two, or Number Three. I figured one of them was your nickname, but a nickname that I did not know from a life. Just like that, I realized it was over. Strangest thing. A bicycle, and it was over. How many rides had you taken over the years on that bicycle? How many adventures did you have with your brother and sister? And who was I to insert myself into your life against your mother's wishes? Who was I?''

Episodio 2x11 - Nota 10 2018-01-10 21:17:57

''No, he was just easier! And he wasn't some sullen teenager who was angry at me for no reason and he didn't... abandon me and move away after his father died!''
Jesus, essa sequência deles na terapia foi sensacional! Não estava esperando toda essa carga dramática. O jeito que eles mostram que todos ali tem problemas e ninguém é perfeito é tão simples mas simplesmente inexplicável! E o que foi a atuação da Mandy Moore? Ca.ra.lho. Sem comentários

''-I love my crazy-ass brothers. I really do.
-So just to clarify: it's official that I'm mom's favorite, right?''

O Kevin indo deitar no chão do quarto e depois a Rebecca deitando com ele acabou comigo

Episodio 2x12 - Nota 9 2018-01-17 23:21:40

''-I know you think I'm insane.
-No. I don't think you're insane. Right before my dad died, I got really skinny. I pretty much stopped eating everything, except for baby carrots. Me and you, we could have shared clothes. And I was so, just so sure that being skinny would make me happy. My whole life, I had that voice in my head just screaming, just shouting at me 'Lose the weight. Try harder. You're fat and you're pathetic.' And so, I did it. I lost the weight. But listening to that voice my whole life, I didn't know who I was without it. And then I just, I felt empty. I was more comfortable being fat because I really liked being mad at myself all the time. I liked the voice. So I don't think you're insane.''
Não tenho palavras para descrever o quanto eu me identifico com a Kate < 3

''-I thought he was fancy...
-Fancy? Oh you mean gay?
-Oh no, bi.
Caralho, parece até eu tentando me assumir bi pra minha família huauahauhau

Jesus, que tiro foi esse close no alarme de incêndio BORA FAZER CARAVANA PRA BUSCAR A BATERIA

Episodio 2x13 - Nota 10 2018-01-24 23:02:00

''It goes quick, bro. He's already been gone for twenty years. He's already been gone longer than we had him.''
2016: Meu Deus, o Jack morre?! Como?! Quando?!?
Gente, o que foram esses 10 minutos finais? Estou simplesmente devastada e tremendo até agora hahah Acabou demais comigo quando o Jack deixou aquele bilhete pro Kevin. Ele nunca irá saber que o pai dele o perdoou e o amou até o último suspiro. Puta, agora estou chorando de novo EU NÃO AGUENTO MAIS ESSA SÉRIE DESTRUINDO MEU CORAÇÃO

''-I wached the tape. Don't ever stop. Don't stop trying to... to make me see myself the way you see me.
-Okay, Katie girl. I won't stop.''
Tudo que eu queria era que o Jack fosse meu pai...e minha mãe

Episodio 2x14 - Nota 10 2018-02-05 22:38:57

Jack, o melhor marido e pai. Saber que ele morreu sozinho é tão angustiante que me dá dor no peito. Ainda estou sem palavras depois de algo tão emocionante assim. Tipo, eu já sabia que ia chorar(até porque eu choro em 90% dos eps dessa série), mas olha, esse episódio tá de parabéns. Me fez literalmente desidratar. Sentei pra assistir o ep com uma garrafa de água em uma mão e um pacote de lencinhos na outra GENTE, ISSO NÃO SE FAZ. QUEM QUE VAI PAGAR MINHA PSICÓLOGA??

''We're not gonna do that right now, Miguel. No, because I have to go in and I have to talk my kids, and I have to ruin the rest of their life. So I'm gonna be strong for them. God help me, I'm gonna be strong for them. And if you can't be strong either, then you need to take a walk around the block until you can. 'Cause I have to go talk to my kids.''

''-I'm not sure if I'm at the right tree.
-Do you see? Do you see what I mean? This year... this year, he sent me you.''

Depois dessa cena final, só sei que quero uma coisa bem Dark, com várias cenas do passado, presente e futuro hahahha < 3

Episodio 2x15 - Nota 10 2018-02-07 23:16:27

''Here's the thing, Mel. I don't want to buy one of those used cars out there. That Wagoneer, that's my family's car. I, you know I can see it so clearly. It's sturdy, tough. Pearsons, we need tough. Because I can tell you right now, there's gonna be scrapes. And dings. Stains. So many stains But that's okay. Because every battle scar is gonna be another memory. But eventually, that car out there, that car is gonna tell my family's story just by looking at it. But here's the thing, Mel. I can not afford that car. I can not. Which is why I need you to help me. I mean, the parents we talk a lot about what we want for our kids, right? I mean, I know I think about it a lot. What I want for mine. And I can come up with a fancy word that's gonna make me sound a whole lot smarter than I am actually, but the one word I keep coming back to is "okay". I want my kids to be okay, Mel. I want my family to be okay. So, will you help me? Will you help me take care of my family? Because I see it, Mel. I see it so clearly. I see my family okay in that car.''


Episodio 2x16 - Nota 9 2018-02-28 15:47:42

Que episódio mais leve < 3 acho que todos nós estávamos precisando de um assim hahah

''-Kate, I was a straight, black teenage boy. Do you really think I liked watching Sex and the City that much? I just watched it because you loved it.
-I thought that you were such Miranda.''
< 3

Episodio 2x17 - Nota 9.5 2018-03-08 14:37:21

Amei demais todas as comparações entre as vidas dos personagens < 3

''Isn't it weird how everyone goes to sleep at night? Like, everyone in the whole planet. All these people. People I'll never know. Some are poor. Some are rich. Some sleep in beds. Some sleep on the floor. But, at the end of the day, everyone sleeps. And I guess, if you think about it hard, you know, got other stuff everyone's got too. Things that hurt them. Things that make them feel better. Anyway, I don't know if that's déjà vu, but, um, that's just what I was thinking about.''

Episodio 2x18 - Nota 10 2018-03-14 13:56:09

Não tinha dado nem um minuto de ep e eu já estava chorando igual um bebê kkkk acho que foi o único da série que literalmente me fez chorar do início ao fim. Não teve nenhum plot twist grande, foi algo simples e delicado e eu não consigo pensar em um jeito que eles poderiam ter feito isso melhor < 3

''All that I've ever wanted it's to be like you. I want to be a singer like you. I want to be a mom like you. I want to have a marriage like yours. Mom, you're not in my way, you are my way.''

''-Can I marry you one day?
-I'm sorry, baby, that's not really how it works. But you want to know the exciting part? One day, a long time from now, you're gonna meet someone who's better than me. He's gonna be stronger and handsome and even better at board games than me. And when you find him, when you find that guy, that's the guy you're gonna marry. Oh, and he's one lucky guy, the guy who gets to marry you, Katie girl. And your mom and me, we're gonna be there, you know. Just to check him out. Make sure he's as good at board games as you think that he is. And, assuming that he is, I'll get you to walk you down the aisle. And I may even cry a little...''

Episodio 3x1 - Nota 9 2018-09-26 21:53:00

''You make me feel like I’m home. And I’ve never really felt like that before.''
Esperando o dia que vou me sentir assim...

Só de ver que tinha ep novo, as lágrimas já começaram a cair hahahha

Episodio 3x2 - Nota 8.5 2018-10-03 23:10:39

Acho que esse foi o primeiro ep que eu nem fiquei com os olhos cheios de água huahauha CADÊ MINHAS LÁGRIMAS, NBC?

''This stuff's always complicated for me. Just where I fit in. How I come off to certain people. It's either I'm trying too hard or I'm not trying hard enought. I can never get it right.''

Kate achando que é a única que pode passar o legado do Jack quando o Randall é uma personificação dos melhores atributos do pai deles. Mais do que a genética dela com a do Kevin combinadas

Episodio 3x3 - Nota 9 2018-10-10 21:56:35

-Do you... do you have a dream? Sorry. Is that a stupid question?
-No. No, I just... No one's ever really asked me that before. Right now, I just want to make sure my mom is okay.Get her settled at her friend's place and then, I don't know... a decent job, a wife, family, a house that feels nothing like the one that I grew up in.''
Jack e Rebecca são dois anjos < 3


Episodio 3x4 - Nota 8.5 2018-10-17 22:23:12

Quando mostraram todos os bebês que nasceram no dia 18, meu coração quebrou todo < /3

Acho que só não ficou naquela qualidade top de This Is Us, por que não teve o presente. Se tivesse nem que fosse só uns 10 minutos espalhados pelo episódio, acho que o pessoal teria gostado mais

Jack era puro e cuidava das outras pessoas desde o início de sua vida, um homão mesmo < 3

Episodio 3x5 - Nota 9 2018-10-24 16:08:04

Esses flashbacks do Toby, me vi inteirinha ali < /3

''-You cannot cry on the campaign trail.
-I'm not gonna.
-No, you're an emotional man, Randall. You talk about fathers, you cry. You talk about daughters, you cry. Okay, you talk about the little round boy on the corner who tried to sell lemonade in the winter.
-All his lemonade froze, Beth.
-Yeah, well he was stupid, baby. Now look, you have a big open heart and I love that about you, okay, but these people do not want to see a rich man from Alpine crying when he talks to them.''

Beth é uma mulher tão forte mas que ao mesmo tempo está tão exausta, alguém cuida da minha bebê, pelamor

Episodio 3x6 - Nota 8.5 2018-10-31 21:02:46

Minha meta de vida é ter um relacionamento igual o do Jack com a Rebecca < 3

''You know what Randall told me one time? He called me exceptional. And he said it so easy, like it wasn't a big deal. I remember thinking, he must think people have told me this before. I bet he's told you before that you're exceptional, because you are.
-Thanks, Dej. You know, but I don't know that...
-Randall thinks so. I mean, he loves you like he's in a Disney movie or something, like he hears tiny forest animals singing or playing kazoos or something whenever you walk into a room. But if you're sad, then you should talk to him.
He'll tell you you're exceptional, and he'll say it so easy that you'll believe it.
-Wow. You are really good at these talks.
-You live in this house for a while, you learn your way around a talk.''

Episodio 3x7 - Nota 8.5 2018-11-14 22:08:00

Manooooo, o Jack chorando < /3 Milo deu um show de atuação nesse ep

''People don't slow dance nearly as much as they should.''

Episodio 3x8 - Nota 8.5 2018-11-21 22:14:21

''Okay, look. Randall is the perfect embodiment of the perfect man. He's basically your dad.''

Meu Deus do céu, que escrotos esse filhos do Miguel. Vem pros Pearsons, Miguel, nunca te critiquei < 3

''I was left at a fire station by my birth father, and then I was found by a fireman who took me to a hospital, where a doctor showed me to my father, who showed me to my mother. My story is unique, and I feel like it's like that for everyone. Strangers can be your most impactful people. Acquaintances can be your most impactful people. Family can be the most impactful. And that's why I can't pick the person who's had the greatest impact on my life and why I think your question is flawed. But if you insist on me answering, if it's the only way I can gain entrance to your storied university, I choose the fireman.''

Episodio 3x9 - Nota 9 2018-11-28 21:07:31

Se no futuro o Randall e a Beth estiverem divorciados EU VOU PROCESSAR A NBC AAAAAA

Mano, Nicky ainda tá vivo! Porra, tô puta que ele deixou o Jack pensar que ele estava morto e ficar se culpando POR TODOS ESSES ANOS

''We love you, no matter what. Look at me. Do you see me? Look at your dad. Do you see him? Do you see anything other than two people who love you more than two people could love anyone in this entire world?''

Episodio 3x10 - Nota 9 2019-01-19 23:03:34

A Kate tentando fazer chantagem emocional com o moço hauahuhaua

Randall, vai que é tua, meu anjo < 3
Gostei bastante de como lidaram com a plot da campanha dele, porque sinceramente, já estava ficando desgastado no meu ver. Tomara que com ele ganhando, a relação dele com a Beth não volte a ter todas aquelas brigas, e que eles fique mais fortes do que nunca

Episodio 3x11 - Nota 9.5 2019-01-25 22:15:24

''-Randall is a different color.
-Yes, he is. He found me.''

Eu amo quando mostram que o Jack não era perfeito, amo ver sua humanidade e erros. Eu real intendo o motivo do Jack simplesmente considerar que o irmão morreu na guerra, realmente o Nicky estava perdidinho lá, mas é isso que a guerra faz com as pessoas. A cena dele com o garotinho no lago foi desesperadora < /3

Episodio 3x12 - Nota 8.5 2019-02-13 22:34:50

Aaaaaaaa essa recaída do Kevin < /3

''You know, Randall, I think for the first time in history, Kev has done more homework than you.''

A cena deles brincando foi tão linda, maravilhoso ver o Jack tão feliz depois de um encontro tão pesado com o irmão

Episodio 3x13 - Nota 9 2019-02-20 21:16:47

O casting dessa série é perfeito, mano do céu

''I'm gonna forget. I'm gonna forget that part of me. Dad, I want you to know that I'll... be happy. I'll find love. Great love, oh. With a man who reminds me so much of you. It's scary but I can't be me without you. How could I be?''

Que final lindo, acho que foi a primeira vez nessa série que eu chorei de felicidade hahahah < 3

Episodio 3x14 - Nota 8.5 2019-03-06 23:20:40

Sim, pensando racionalmente, Beth deveria ficar em casa por receber menos, logo não conseguiria o dinheiro suficiente para a família. Mas que dor que foi ver a reação dela < /3

''-I think it might be good for you to talk to someone about this. They have groups for this kind of thing. Grief counseling.
-I don't want... I don't want grief counseling, Miguel. I want to rewind the clock! I just want to rewind the clock.''

Episodio 3x15 - Nota 9 2019-03-13 23:27:48

Episódio bem simples, mas muito bom. Só achei que daria um toque a mais se a cena deles na sala de espera tivesse sido gravada em plano sequência. Seria um detalhe que traria mais riqueza ao episódio

''Hey, Dad. I don’t know where you are, but I know that you’re there. I don’t know why I’m looking up, ‘cause I know you’re not up. You’re everywhere. I promised myself I would never talk to you like this, never ask for something like this... But I need you to do something for me and I swear, I swear that I will never ask for anything again. This is Jack. This is your grandson. And I need him to be okay. And I don’t know why, but I... I know. I know that you... you can do that. He's gonna be okay. He's gonna be okay.''

Miguel merece mais amor < 3

Episodio 3x16 - Nota 8.5 2019-03-24 22:55:35

Gente, eu ainda estou chocada com aquela mensagem do Randall. E a Beth ainda conseguiu ouvir aquilo, engolir e mesmo assim ir no jantar. Nossa, se fosse eu ou ele nem me veria naquela noite, ou eu aparecia lá e falava muita merda hauhahua Beth miss simpatia, pq olha...

''-I think, if I saw you in school, everything else would disappear. All of a sudden, none of it would have mattered, not my dad's drinking or my parents fighting. I would have walked right up to you and said... 'Hi'. And that would've been it. Happily ever after.
-Just like that?
-Just like that.''

Episodio 3x17 - Nota 9 2019-03-31 22:34:38

''We're not gonna lose ourselves in each other. We're gonna be full people. Equals. We're a team.''

Só sendo cego pra não ter percebido antes como a Beth apoiava o Randall em literalmente tudo que ele queria. Ela sempre 'abaixou a cabeça' pra ele poder seguir todos os sonhos. Eu sinceramente confesso que via esse detalhe, mas não ligava muito, pois a série sempre mostrou muito mais os momentos felizes do que as brigas entre os dois, mas nessa temporada, principalmente depois do ep focado na Beth, não tem como alguém dizer que o Randall, depois de todos esses anos pedindo pra ela apoiar os sonhos dele, está certo em querer impedir ela de fazer algo que a faz tão feliz. Mas doeu muito ver ela falando das crises dele, e depois não dormindo na cama sem ele < /3

Episodio 3x18 - Nota 9.5 2019-04-04 23:35:02

Rebecca escrevendo tudo, pois provavelmente já está sentindo os impactos da doença, possivelmente Alzheimer ou demência < /3

Randall chegando e falando ''Hey, baby!'' era tudo que meu coração precisava pra se acalmar hahahhaha

''This is where they kept you hungry. Now, they would load up on foster kids, as many as they can get, just for the government stipend and they would blow all the money they got on scratcher tickets. Anyway, every single night, we would split a can of soup four ways, five ways. And just watch Mr. Johnson scratch his way through $30 worth of those stupid scratcher tickets. One night he didn't even bother to buy the soup. So I stole one of his tickets when he was getting up to grab a beer. And if we won, we were going to sneak out to buy burgers and fries and dip 'em in the, the chocolate Frosties. Have you ever done that? No? It's the best. It's so good. But, of course we didn't win. Nobody ever won at that house. 'Cause most people don't win, Randall. But you did. You won the lottery. You won it twice. Once when you got adopted and again when you met Beth. I don't know what's going on between you two, but you got to get it together. You owe it to the world that let you win the lottery twice.''

Episodio 4x1 - Nota 9.5 2019-09-25 23:02:31

''It's so strange, isn't it? How a complete stranger can become such a big part of your story.''

Ai gente, senti que tava assistindo o primeiro ep novamente hahaha que perfeição < 3

Jackinho já é um dos meus personagens favoritos aaaaaa < 3 não acredito que ele concretizou o sonho da mãe e avó dele

Episodio 4x2 - Nota 9 2019-10-02 22:24:48

''I'm gonna teach you how to pick up girls. Or boys. Or robots. If that's what people are into in the future.''
Gente, esse homem aaaa um amorzinho < 3 espero muito que ele não tenha mais recaídas, para a data de aniversário do baby Jack ser sempre também a comemoração da sobriedade dele

Episodio 4x3 - Nota 9 2019-10-09 22:46:58

''-My math teacher looks like Zendaya.
-Wait, cute Spider-Man Zendaya, or HBO drugged-out Zendaya?''

Que delícia acabar um episódio dessa série com um sorriso no rosto hahahah Não sei dizer o que foi mais lindo, o Kevin ajudando o Randall, ou o Miguel ameaçando se demitir e protegendo o Jack < 3

''-I'm not fast either.
-We're gonna look like the toughest gang,''
Aaaaa já estou amando essa amizade

Episodio 4x4 - Nota 9 2019-10-16 23:06:00

A cara do Randall quando o Malik mencionou a filha dele huahauhauhau

''Randall, I have always liked you. When I met you... I didn't see the strong partner, father and man you would become.''
Eu claramente sempre estarei solteira, pois só aceito alguém parecido com o Randall ou com o Jack huahahauh

Episodio 4x5 - Nota 9 2019-10-23 23:22:25

Eu amo tanto a Beth e o Jack, e o jeitinho deles de lidar com cada situação pqp aaaaa < 3

''-What, does everybody hate hot sauce, or... ?
-No, no, no. It's just that Jack used to put hot sauce on everything.
-Uh, my dad loved hot sauce, too. So much so that he brought a bottle of it wherever he went, as a gift, but it wasn't actually a gift.He just wanted to make sure he always had hot sauce. Um, yeah, he put it on-on eggs and put it on burgers. One time, he even put it on Froyo. Yeah, after he died, I started bringing it as a gift, too.''

Assim que vi a cena da Kate achando a foto e ela e a Rebecca reagindo daquela maneira, já comecei com as teorias de relacionamento abusivo. Mas, depois que parei para analisar, elas pareciam tristes, e não bravas. Não acho que estariam só tristes caso fosse algum tipo de abuso. Estou achando que na verdade ele tinha depressão e acabou se suicidando, talvez após a Kate terminar com ele? Ai gente, não sei hahah só sei que não quero nada de ruim acontecendo com a minha Kate

Episodio 4x6 - Nota 9 2019-10-30 22:20:15

''I'm gonna marry your daughter, Dave. I'm I'm gonna marry her. I'm gonna get a good job. Buy a real nice house. A happy one. With kids running around the yard. So let me ask you... Do you see yourself there?''

''This one's for you, Pop.''
Mano, como essa série consegue me deixar com os olhos cheios d'água com apenas uma sequência de um personagem, e uma frase? Sério, é simplesmente fascinate

Episodio 4x7 - Nota 9 2019-11-07 23:32:12

''You know, I only applied to Hanes 'cause it's the best, and I wanted to teach at the best. But I knew I'd be the only one there. So I guess when I met Randall I understood him. And then when I saw that he was searching, I just, I felt like I could help him with all that. I get him from 8:00 to 3:00, five days a week. I mean, if I'm lucky, one day, he'll remember me as someone who was vaguely important to him once. But you're his father. Yeah, you're gonna be a grandfather to his children. You're gonna be with him forever.''

Gente, mas a torta de climão foi grande, hein huahuahauha

Episodio 4x8 - Nota 8.5 2019-11-13 23:17:37

Toda vez que voltava pro plot do Kevin, eu já ficava morrendo de medo dele ter feito alguma coisa aaaa meu bebê só sofre

''Throwing that chair was the best thing that ever happened to me. If I didn't throw that chair through the window, I wouldn't have stopped drinking, wouldn't have joined AA or stuck with therapy. When I threw that chair, my nephew came back into my life. No matter how much I told him to scram, he just stuck around. For 40 years, I have pushed people away. Not because I thought they would hurt me but because I thought I would hurt them. I told myself I was doing it for their own good, yeah, 'cause I'm broken. But I was wrong. I wasn't broken. I was sick. And when you're sick, you... you got to let the people who care about you help.''

''You are a good kid.''
Não me aguentei com o Nicky toda hora se 'transformando' no Jack < /3

Rebecca fotografando tudo que podia, pois não quer esquecer aaaaa eu não tô preparada pra esse plot

Episodio 4x9 - Nota 9.5 2019-11-20 22:46:04

''And we would've kept that promise. And we would've kept that tradition. But life, you know? Got in the way.''

''-I have a crush on Zendaya.
-Yeah? That's my choice, too.''
E existe alguém neste planeta que não tenha um crush nessa mulher? hahahaha

''-Kevin, is Randall here yet?
-No, Mom. Randall's not coming. We're not speaking, remember?''
Como mudou tanta coisa em apenas 9 meses??? Aaaaaa é a Rebecca que infelizmente só piora, a Kate assinando com o nome de solteira, o Kevin já com uma noiva grávida, e agora meus big three não estão mais juntos? Comassim, gente? Eu fico impressionada como essa série ainda consegue trazer esses twists e manter-se interessante. Mas eu não aguento essa tristeza toda hauhahau

Episodio 4x10 - Nota 9 2020-01-16 22:59:11

Ai gente, o Kevin merece tanto uma pessoa maravilhosa aaaa eu casava com ele no mesmo instante que visse o John Legend huahauhaua

''-I don't care about what you can give me. I don't care if you have a good job or you come from good stock, or you're on a good track. I don't care about any of that stuff. And whatever my dad told you about not being good enough for his precious little daughter, I want you to forget about all that. Because I am in love with you, Jack.
-You are?
-Yeah. I am. And you and I? Oh, we're gonna have it all together. We're gonna have the big moments and the small moments and it's gonna be one for the ages.
-I can't believe you beat me to saying "I love you".
-Well, you better believe it.
-Rebecca Malone, I love you.''

Episodio 4x11 - Nota 9 2020-01-28 23:04:08

Atuação do Sterling K. Brown = tudo pra mim < 3

O arrepio e gelo que eu senti quando eles perceberam que o ladrão na verdade já tinha passado no quarto deles aaaaa pqp

O Randall ouvindo o alarme de incêndio, e correndo para salvar a Beth MEU CORAÇÃO NÃO AGUENTA ISSO

Episodio 4x12 - Nota 9 2020-02-01 23:09:09

''Sometimes we lose things. Things that we love. And it makes us feel bad. Really sad. And i know right now feel the worst thing in the world. But I promise you, you're gonna find something else to love.''

Ai gente, eu só quero ver o Kevin feliz. Mas queria tanto que isso fosse com a Sophie, principalmente depois de todos esses flashbacks

''-Sad three.
-Sad three.''

Eu tô com um pressentimento que o próximo ep vai acabar com todo o meu psicológico aaaaaaa

Episodio 4x13 - Nota 9 2020-02-13 22:24:43

''Take everything off your shoulders and give it to me. I can take it all. That's what I'm here for.''
Não tenho palavras para descrever o quanto eu amo o desenvolvimento do relacionamento entre a Rebecca e a Kate

As cenas da Kate pequenina com o Jack e a Rebecca = tudo pra mim < 3

Ep dirigido pelo Justin Hartley QUE HOMEM AAAAAAAAA

Episodio 4x14 - Nota 10 2020-02-21 22:38:30

Mano do céu, o ataque de pânico que eu tive quando o baby Jack começou a se sufocar aaaaaaa tive até que pausar o episódio, pura agonia

''Hey, guys. It's me, your dad. It's 1993 and you're all in your rooms here at the cabin, trying to figure out just what you're gonna put inside the capsule. To refresh your memories: Kevin wishes he was seeing Jurassic Park with Sophie right now. My Katie girl is pouring her heart into it as per usual. And Randall is overthinking his every move. No surprise there, bud. Anyhow, I have this crazy idea to build a bigger house out here for me and your mom to grow old in. And your mom busted me while I was sketching it. I got embarrassed, crumpled it up, and tossed it in the trash. But then I thought to myself, you know, your mom believes in me, so why shouldn't I believe in myself, right? So, I go back outside to get my crumpled piece of paper out of the trash to put in the capsule, but it was gone. You know, at first, I thought maybe the wind carried it away, or a bird who's got a thing for architecture. But then, I realized that your mom must've taken it out of the trash, so that she could put it in the capsule. Again, because she believes in my dreams. By the time you guys hear this, you're gonna be teenagers and probably harder on us than you already are. So, let me just remind you that your mom is the kind of woman who buries a crappy doodle because when it comes to the people that she loves, she does not mess around. And, Bec, if you're hearing this, and I've grown stupid in middle age, I don't tell you enough damn, do I love you. Aw, man. This is gonna be really embarrassing if it actually was a bird who stole my crappy doodle and, it never made it into the capsule...''
Porra, mas lançaram a braba nessa cena hein pqp fazia tempo que eu não chorava igual um bebê

Episodio 4x15 - Nota 9 2020-02-28 23:32:54

''You've always had that quality, Kevin. You make everything fun. Which I know you probably think is a bad thing sometimes, and maybe people don't take you seriously. Sometimes making people forget about their worries, or what comes next that's the most important thing you can do for someone.''

Ai gente, que coisinha mais linda o Baby Jack crescendo rodeado de música < 3

Episodio 4x16 - Nota 9 2020-03-14 23:46:46

Estou muito do lado do Kevin nessa discussão. Randall já estava errado falando pra Rebecca sobre o tratamento antes do combinado (real não sei dizer se a intenção dele no momento foi tentar confortar ela, ou simplesmente fazer ela aceitar e provar novamente que conhece melhor a mãe), mas depois dela fazer a sua própria escolha (que eu mais do que entendo) e ele ainda continuar insistindo, não tem como defender. Eu compreendo toda a sua frustração e ansiedade, mas ele precisa demais voltar pra terapia, pelo menos duas vezes por semana kkkkk

Já vou deixar todas as minhas pendências ajeitadas pois já sei que o próximo episódio vai me levar a óbito aaaaaaa

Episodio 4x17 - Nota 9 2020-03-19 00:15:08

Mano, a primeira realidade toda perfeitinha aqueceu muito meu coração < 3

Sério agora, eu sempre amei demais o Randall, mas agora tá complicado demais. Eu real consigo entender seu pensamento, mas manipular a própria mãe, usando desculpas de 'bom filho', 'nunca pedi nada', pra fazer algo que ela claramente não quer, é muito egoísmo. Quando lidando com demência, cada momento é precioso. Dava pra ver tão nitidamente o quão a Rebecca estava feliz antes da ligação, e é isso que ela merece, e não ficar enfurnada em uma clínica, por obrigação e não escolha. Estou achando muito que esse tratamento vai acabar piorando o estado dela, e esse será o motivo para eles pararem de falar com o Randall, e, sinceramente, vai ser um bonito de um bem feito

Episodio 4x18 - Nota 10 2020-03-25 23:01:14

Que surpresa maravilhosa ver a Adelaide Kane < 3

''-Dad died ashamed of you.
-I thought that the worst day of my life was when dad died, but I was wrong. The worst day of my life was when they brought you home.''
Kevin tava certo até falar isso. Eu entendo que foi algo reativo, mas puta merda, foi muito pesado. Mas mesmo assim, o Randall precisa muito sair desse pedestal, admitir e entender que ele não é isso tudo não. Como já disse, eu acredito que na mente dele ele está fazendo isso tudo para salvar a mãe, mas, pelo menos pra mim, está bem claro que ele está fazendo isso por si mesmo. Ele é o único que não suporta viver sem dar seus pitacos na vida dos outros, e sempre se achar o certo. Queria muito que tivessem mostrado mais do ponto de vista da Kate em relação a isso tudo

Pelo o que eu entendi, tem duas timelines do futuro então, certo? Uma de uns 10 anos no futuro, na qual os filhos do Kevin ainda são crianças e a Rebecca está acamada, e outro futuro mais distante, no qual temos o Jack com a esposa (pois se fosse ao mesmo tempo, Jack seria apenas 1/2 anos mais velho que os gêmeos)

Episodio 5x1 - Nota 9 2020-10-28 23:32:11

''Our babies are gonna be fine. They're gonna be fine. And I know that that sounds crazy, but I can see it. We're gonna have two beautiful healthy babies and they're gonna be amazing and we're gonna be amazing parents, together. And hell, I say we just get married. Let's shock the world and get married. We'll live happily ever after and all that.''
Um minuto de silêncio para apreciar o character development do Kevin, como ele cresceu desde a primeira temp

''-Tom Hanks got it!
-Hanks got the corona?
-Hanks got the corona.''

Episodio 5x2 - Nota 9.5 2020-10-28 23:44:53

''-This pain is not forever. This moment in time is not forever. Nothing is forever. Except us. We fight on.
-We fight on.''
Todos precisavam de uma Beth na vida < 3

Toby e Miguel exaltando One Day At A Time hauhauhaua perfeitos

Nossa, mas eu jurava que iam mostrar que a mãe biológica do Randall até teve pulso mas eles teriam decidido ignorar por ela ser negra, estar drogada e, pela lógica deturpada deles, já não teria salvação. Mas aparentemente ela tá real viva? Aonde vão enfiar essa mulher na história, gente? aaaa

Episodio 5x3 - Nota 9 2020-11-12 23:03:00

Como eu AMO a sintonia entre a Beth e o Randall, puta casalzão < 3

Chocadíssima com o cast mirim já entrando na adolescência, achei até que tinham trocado a atriz da Kate, ela cresceu muito

Kevin e Madison contando sobre seus problemas foi bem triste, mas ao mesmo tempo, lindo, pois deu pra ver ainda mais o quanto eles estão se conectando. Creio que se tornarão um casal excelente

Episodio 5x4 - Nota 8.5 2020-11-18 23:22:53

Kevin usando o sistema que aprendeu com o Randall quando eles eram pequenos vs. Kevin falando que queria dedicar um prêmio à Rebecca enquanto ela ainda consegue se lembrar
Os dois a 80 km/h
Qual partiu mais meu coração?

''I'm an ordinary man. And for me, the way my dad treated me, to get out of that house an ordinary man, that is an accomplishment in my book. But... our kids, I want them to know their dad sees greatness in them. I will kill myself to make them feel that way. Even when... even when deep down I just want to hold my kid and tell him to go take a nap.''

Mano, o que foi a cena do Randall dançando e fazendo striptease? hauhauhaua simplesmente perfeito. Gostei demais do plot dele com o Malik, principalmente por ele não ter tentado justificar seu erro, e sim mostrar que sua prioridade é a filha

Episodio 5x5 - Nota 8.5 2021-01-07 22:46:39

O alívio da Beth e do Randall quando descobriram que o William não mentiu foi tudo pra mim kkk

Toby é um marido tão incrível < 3

Episodio 5x6 - Nota 9.5 2021-01-13 22:27:05

''Two imperfect people that loved me.''
Episódio lindo e delicado. Adorei que focaram na vida toda dela, eu real achei que iam focar bastante no vício, mas foi algo que quase não foi mencionado. A cena deles no lago foi tudo

Pelamor de Deus, vamos tirar outro momento para enaltecer a grandessíssima mulher que a Beth é < 3

Episodio 5x7 - Nota 8.5 2021-02-10 22:43:34

O tanto de nervoso que eu passei assistindo esse episódio... This Is Us sempre consegue destravar um novo nível de ansiedade

Cês perceberam que temos gêmeos nascendo ao mesmo tempo que a baby que a Kate vai adotar também está pra nascer? AAAAA BIG THREE

Episodio 5x8 - Nota 10 2021-02-19 22:34:24

The New Big Three < 3

Caralho, que episódio maravilhoso, estou sem palavras. Me emocionei demais, mas no final, quando contaram mais da história do Nasir, não pude evitar de chorar e ficar toda arrepiada FODA DEMAIS

Kevin homenageando o Nick e Toby homenageando a esposa do moço AAAAA I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING!

Episodio 5x9 - Nota 9 2021-02-24 23:03:05

''You don't suck the air out of the room. You are the air.''

Gente, que episódio lindo. Amei ver a jornada de todos eles com os bebês, mas nossa, a sincronia da Beth e do Randall no carro foi tudo hahahah muito couple goals

E vamos de mais um momento de silêncio para apreciar o casting perfeito dessa série. Assim que a Deja mais velha apareceu eu sabia de cara que era ela. Rosto, trejeitos e até a voz mano, fiquei chocada

Episodio 5x10 - Nota 8.5 2021-03-18 22:54:20

''But I’m a councilman, what if there’s an emergency? ...I’ll let the city burn.''

Amo quando temos esses paralelos, e This Is Us sempre faz isso de uma forma belíssima

Episodio 5x11 - Nota 9 2021-03-24 22:21:16

''You two are my moon.''

A cena dos globos de neve quebrando aaaaa < /3 meu coração quebrou junto

''-Jack, you have a very proud, determined energy. Cancer?
-Uh... no. I'm fine.''

Episodio 5x12 - Nota 9 2021-04-07 22:14:41

Chris Geere agora faz parte de A Million Little Things e This Is Us, ambas são as séries que ainda estão ativas que mais me fazem chorar hahahha

''He never replaced you, Nicky. We both knew what he meant, but he couldn't say the words. He couldn't call me his best man because I think that somewhere, deep down, he was saving that place for you.''

Episodio 5x13 - Nota 10 2021-04-14 22:08:46

''-You still think about that? The imaginary kingdom?
-Ghost Kingdom?
-Yes. Ghost Kingdom.
-Uh... Most people, it fades away as they get older, but, uh, I've held onto mine. Still go there in my dreams, occasionally, even now. It's always me at the same age, always with the weatherman and the librarian and all of you guys. Even after I found William and then Laurel. Still can't seem to replace the weatherman and the librarian.
-Or us.
-Or you. I don't know, I must be stuck or something. It's a lot.
-What is?
-Rest of the world can't say the ugly thing. But we have to.
-You're not just my smart, successful brother, Randall. You're my black, smart, successful brother. And I think maybe I did resent that. And maybe I thought you getting special treatment was mixed up with... with you being black. And I wanted to take you down a notch, and I... overlooked things that I shouldn't have. And I took shots at you that I shouldn't have taken. And I was more jealous of you than I should've been.''

Nossa, esse episódio acabou demais comigo, muito lindo. Eu até tava conseguindo conter as lágrimas, mas esse final me quebrou inteirinha

Episodio 5x14 - Nota 9 2021-05-17 22:27:23

''Yeah, you might not have been an easy daughter all the time, but you've always, always been easy to love.''

''You're still too much.''
Ah mano, a Beth e o Randall aaaaaaaa relationship goals

Episodio 5x15 - Nota 8.5 2021-05-21 22:11:36

''-Today you made me feel like me again. Like a mom, and a girl friend.
-Well, I'm not gonna stop coming to you for pep talks anytime soon so... Same as I have all these years.''

Por mais que o casal Kevin e Madison tenha sido uma surpresa muito boa e interessante, acho que pular já para o casamento rápido demais, sinto que estão fazendo isso mais pelos gêmeos, não sei. Não entendo essa birra de norte americana de querer casar logo depois de noivar. Genteee, calma! Eles poderia muito bem ficarem noivos por um ano, se conhecendo melhor e se adaptando a nova vida deles, pra depois começarem a pensar nisso

Episodio 5x16 - Nota 9 2021-05-26 22:38:49

O flashback desse ep foi simplesmente tudo < 3 mostrou que o relacionamento da Rebecca e do Jack não era perfeito, mas que o amor sempre foi o que prevaleceu ali. Como eu espero criar uma família assim algum dia

''I can't marry someone who's not in love with me. I know it's ironic but I think you have finally helped me realize that I am worthy of that.''
E é por isso que eu disse que eles deveriam passar pelo menos mais um ano apenas no noivado kkk ainda acho que eles vão ficar juntos no final, mas agora realmente não era a hora

Mano, o que foi esse final???? É muita informação para apenas dois minutos, Deus amado. Não sei o que pensar sobre esse segundo casamento da Kate, me pegou muito de surpresa. Fiquei uns três minutos paralisada, de boca aberta, olhando pra tela como se fosse receber alguma resposta uahuahuha

Episodio 6x1 - Nota 8.5 2022-01-05 22:10:23

Começo da última temporada, e meu maior medo é ouvir a Rebecca perguntando ''who's Jack?'' eu acho que morro

''Just feels like... like the world should just stop for mom, you know? Just... yeah, the world should stop for mom.''

O que a Rebecca falou sobre o Randall estava extremamente certo, ele sempre se preocupando com todos

Episodio 6x2 - Nota 9 2022-01-13 21:57:54

A conversa entre a Rebecca e a Sally foi simplesmente surreal de incrível. E ela dançando com o Miguel no final foi a cereja do bolo < 3

Meu Nicky finalmente vai ser felizzzzz, ele merece tanto

Episodio 6x3 - Nota 8.5 2022-01-19 21:43:15

Eu tô tão ansiosa e ao mesmo tempo apreensiva pra ver como vão acabar com o casamento do Toby e da Kate. Sempre nos mostram eles tendo problemas, mas no final eles se ajeitam, e nos mostram o quão dedicado o Toby é. Só sei que vou sofrer mais do que eles nesse término kkkkkkk

Baby Jack imitando tudo que o pai falava >>>>>>
esse menino é um fofo, gente

''-What if something happened?
-Let's kill her. Let's dig a hole in the backyard and bury her in it.''

Episodio 6x4 - Nota 9 2022-01-26 21:53:08

''I don't have a mom anymore.''
Nossa, ver o Jack desabando me quebrou toda. Triste demais ver que por mais que eles tenham conseguido sair daquela situação, as coisas nunca ficaram certas entre eles e todo aquele trauma ainda impediu eles de fazerem tantas coisas

Senti que esse ep já foi um preparativo para quando perdermos a Rebecca, hein... kkkk rindo pra não chorar mais

Episodio 6x5 - Nota 9 2022-02-02 22:11:50

As cenas delas no final < 3

''-A real, live woman?
-What do you mean by that?!''

Gente, mas é óbvio que a Deja só tomou a decisão de querer ir morar com o Malik depois do Randall dizer que ela estaria proibida de visitá-lo. Ele tá delirando se acha que ela, que sempre foi muito independente, vai ficar seguindo essa regra. Eles poderiam muito bem ter conversado e acordado dela acabar os anos da escola sem pressa, que eles iriam ajudar e apoiar ela quando fosse visitar ele, e que ele tb sempre seria bem vindo pra ficar na casa deles quando quisesse visitar

Episodio 6x6 - Nota 9 2022-03-01 20:29:56

''Don't you ever forget how incredible that woman is.''

Na minha opinião o Kevin não estava errado nesta situação. Primeiro que eles já deveriam ter tido uma conversa sobre datas especiais e quem ficaria com as crianças (e talvez um acordo de sempre estarem juntos nessas maiores, como o natal e a própria ação de graças). Essa é aparentemente a primeira grande ocasião das crianças, então eles deveriam sim estar juntos. Ela podia ter conversado com o Kevin pra poder levar o boy pra passar com eles, mas querer tirar o pai deles do dia pra passar com o cara, acho erradão

Episodio 6x7 - Nota 9 2022-03-22 19:54:18

''The Pearson epitaph will read: lovely people, cried a lot, dramatic as hell thanksgivings.''

Eu sabia que ela ia escolher a Kate < 3 Mandy Moore deu um show nesse ep

Episodio 6x8 - Nota 8.5 2022-03-26 18:40:11

''-I'm not like dad.
-You're exactly like him.''

Jennifer Morrison deu um show < 3 maravilhosa, tempos que ela não aparece mas já voltou arrasando

Episodio 6x9 - Nota 9 2022-03-26 18:45:06

''When I look into my future, I literally see nothing. No job. No family. Nothing.''

Eu fiquei devastada de primeira quando mostraram que eles iriam se separar, mas estão mostrando isso de um jeito tão bem construído e realista. Ambos tem um pouco de razão na questão toda, eles foram pessoas muito boas um para o outro em certo ponto, mas as pessoas crescem e mudam, viram versões diferentes de si

''You fell in love with a coping mechanism.''

Episodio 6x10 - Nota 9.5 2022-04-09 23:16:00

Gente pelamor de deus eu não tô preparada pro fim dessa série aaaaaaaaaaaa

''You are my hero, Randall. You're the most incredible person and I... I will not be the person that holds you back anymore.''

Episodio 6x11 - Nota 9.5 2022-04-17 22:15:49

O ator que faz o Jackzinho é um amor gente, que fofura

Estão construindo o término da Kate e do Toby de uma forma muito bem pensada e realista, mas pqp que dor de ver esse casal chegando ao fim

Episodio 6x12 - Nota 9.5 2022-04-18 20:50:54

''We were meant to be together and now we are meant to be apart. And I know that one day you will see it.''
Que jeito mais lindo, realista e maduro que conseguiram nos trazer esse término de um dos casais mais amados da série. Episódio muito bem escrito, foi um término apenas do casamento, pois a cumplicidade dos dois conseguiu encher esse vazio, e se tornou a base do novo relacionamento deles. Duas pessoas não precisam estar juntas para serem uma família

Episodio 6x13 - Nota 9.5 2022-04-27 22:16:19

Uma coisa que me deixou bem ??? foi terem botado os gêmeos do Kevin na foto de família, mas não incluíram nem as meninas do Randall nem os filhos da própria noiva??? Oshiiii

Que tristeza ver a Rebecca olhando para o Kevin e vendo o Jack, devastador

Episodio 6x14 - Nota 9 2022-04-30 23:22:15

''When the timing is right, he's gonna be great.''

Eu sempre soube que o endgame dele seria a Sophie, era o que fazia mais sentido, a química deles é maravilhosa

Episodio 6x15 - Nota 10 2022-05-08 22:59:33

''-What does that mean?
-It means... I don't know... But it is a good question. Ask me again, later.''

''I am not leaving her side. Okay? Every morning, I am the first thing she sees when she wakes up. And it grounds her. It grounds me. So, as long as she needs me... I'm not going anywhere.''
Simplesmente devastada, nem imaginava a possibilidade dele ir primeiro. Não acredito que a Rebecca perdeu seus dois grandes amores aaaaaaaa < /3

Episodio 6x16 - Nota 10 2022-05-16 22:19:09

''-Who knows, maybe this... this was the reason all along.
-The reason for what?
-That there are three of us.''

Não mas sério os paralelos no final mais to build a home sinceramente que golpe baixo que covardia EU NÃO VOU AGUENTAR ESSES DOIS EPS FINAIS PELAMOR DE DEUS

Episodio 6x17 - Nota 10 2022-05-22 22:13:42

''-This is quite sad, isn't it? The end?
-Oh, I don't know. The way I see it, if something makes you sad when it ends, it must have been pretty wonderful when it was happening. Truth be told, I've always felt it a bit lazy to just think of the world as sad, because so much of it is. Because everything ends. Everything dies. But if you step back... If you step back and look at the whole picture... If you're brave enough to allow yourself the gift of a really wide perspective... If you do that, you'll see that the end is not sad, Rebecca. It's just the start of the next incredibly beautiful thing. It's like that dopey painting your son made that time.''

A celebração que esse episódio todo trouxe para a Rebecca, e o jeito que passamos todos pelo ciclo de no início venerar o Jack, para depois passarmos todo esse amor para essa mulher... simplesmente sem palavras. E ela esperando pela Kate?? Pelamor de deus, essa despedida do big three foi uma das cenas mais emocionantes que eu já vi


Episodio 6x18 - Nota 10 2022-05-30 22:29:01

''You know, the good thing... about not caring about anything is that you don't care when it's gone. You really effed up my life, kid. And your mother and father would be ashamed if they knew what you did to a sweet and sensitive old man like me. You dick.''

Finalmente tomei coragem pra assistir a este episódio e pqp essa série é uma obra prima. O final foi como eu imaginei, focado nos pequenos detalhes e acontecimentos. Ainda estou sem palavras, só sei chorar. Jamais superarei a perfeição dessa série < 3

''She grabbed my hand, hard. Right at the very end. I wonder what that was.''

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